It's been a long time coming, but I am finally pulling the plug.
This is the end of Mrs Nespy's World.
Over the last week I have been pulling affiliation links, contacting PR firms and cleaning out the blog. After almost 6 years of blogging, I have to now admit that this blog has run its course.
Life changes and although this blog evolved - twice - it is really just time for me to hang my hat and say farewell.
I have pared it down from over 1400 posts to just 330. I left those posts up that were informational, those that still receive traffic because people are looking for information (and they come here for it, which still surprises me), and those that I thought people could use. The rest - they are gone.
I've loved every moment of it (at least until a few months ago when the quality and quantity of posts really starting deteriorating around here), but it is time to go.
I'm still following so many of you and I've made some really good online friends, so I do thank you all for the love (both real and comment) and support you've given over the years.
Until we meet again...