Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scanning Magazine Articles

It is not unusual for me to find a recipe, article, craft project, or random point of interest in a magazine that I deem worth holding onto. So I keep a magazine with the sole purpose of using that information I loved so much one day--maybe one day in particular like our son's next birthday party, or just some day. However, that day approaches and I cannot, for the life of me, remember which one of the 60 magazines in our magazine basket that it is located in, and frankly, get tired of searching (usually) before I have actually FOUND the item I am looking for.
Then I discovered that I was brilliant. =)

It started off as a means to preserve some good information in All You magazine, but still get my hands on the high-dollar coupons that can be found in that particular publication. I simply scanned the recipe or tip or craft idea, cropped it like any photo, and saved it as a file name that I could remember. For instance--"All You-Chocolate Chip Cookies.jpg". That's a recipe that I thought looked yummy and worth trying. I was then able to grab the coupon that was on the other side of that page without compromising the recipe.
Then I realized that I should do this for all of the tidbits that I find in magazines that I want to keep! I have them all stored in a magazine folder, as I always remember that I was looking in a magazine when I discovered the tip or idea in question. I know everything in that folder was decidedly "useful" when I saw it and therefore, I don't have to flip through a lot of useless info to find it.
Also...I have more storage space for files on my computer than I have room in our house for magazines. This will allow you to recycle you old magazines (or donate them to doctor's offices or libraries) and get them out of your house while keeping all of the great stuff that you found that you could use!
That's just a little tip that Works for Me. If you want to see what works for everyone else, head over to We Are THAT Family to check out everyone else's tips for Works for Me Wednesday.


  1. Yes, I would say that is pretty brilliant!
    I do that all the time...want to "save" articles and then never am able to find them again...LOL!
    I will have to try it.
    Now if I could just figure out how to scan things....hmmm... :)
