Saturday, May 3, 2008

Mother's Day Gifts Series - Part 5 of 5

This is the final posting in this series. To follow from the beginning, stop reading now, and click here.

Rounding out my list...

What Mother's Day would be complete without a card.

Standard: Go out and buy a card that fits who she really is and what she really means to you and the kids. Let the kids pick out their own if they are old enough to really "get it." If you want to splurge on the musical ones or the ones that look handmade or the funny ones--just make sure it is appropriate for her and your relationship.

Yes, I realize that there is no "inexpensive" listing...I'm not sure what the middle ground between standard and frugal is here...any suggestions?

Frugal: Make it. Yes...make it personalized and from the heart. If it is from the husband, write a poem, make her lay down and use that length of paper to write down everything you appreciate about her, write a goofy song for her, just write down on regular notebook paper how much you love her. Just write a love letter.

From the kids, check these out:
Lots of choices here
And more Cards
Handprint Heart

Also--have your kids do some of these activities (scroll down to the crafts) to present as presents! Wonderful, heart-felt, and super-inexpensive!

10.) Club of the Month:
This is something I discovered was quite popular (according to the internet) for Mother's Day (I have considered them for Christmas, but never for Mom's Day).

Standard: You can find something to suit anyone's fancy and have the gift keep giving year-round. It is a reminder throughout the year that she is special, but these are often quite pricey.

More Cost Efficient: Create your own by remembering (there's the catch) each month to grace your wife/mom with a gift that is personalized for her likes, fancies, or passions. It doesn't have to be expensive, but the thought will mean everything to her.

Super Inexpensive: Create a coupon book from hubby and one from the kids. They can include chores like vacuuming, cleaning baseboards, raking leaves, cooking dinner, grocery shopping, putting the baby to bed, getting up with baby in the night, super room cleaning, washing dishes, the possibilities are endless. The catch here is that the coupon(s) can be redeemed by mom at any time and there is no complaining one a coupon is visible.

Get some ideas for a book from here, here, or here.

And lastly--

What can top that? My secret confession. The non-frugal side of me wants something ridiculously useless and unfrugal and clutter-inducing. It is a figurine that I have had my eye on and I've decided that it is not a passing fad, as I look for this particular figurine anywhere Willow Creek is sold. It's precious to me and speaks volumes of how I feel about being a mommy. It represents a period in my son's life that I want to rush through and hold onto at the same time--but in the end, I know the wanting-to-hold-onto will win out. So if Nespy asks you what he or Little Nespy can get me, point him in this direction (but yes, I want him to think of anything else--although nothing else is really needed--so as not to steal his thunder!) ps--sold in many gift stores around the world, including Savannah =).

So Happy Shopping/Creating/Doing!

Photo credit: smiles4angels, stylecourt1

1 comment:

  1. It's a fantastic idea... also going to gift a photo display from Abbey Press to my mom on mother's day.
