I heard a lady on the radio a few days ago talking about being at a location where they sell trees and seeing all of these women digging through a pile of small limbs that had been trimmed from the bottoms of the trees. They were trash as far as the retailer was concerned, so these ladies saw an opportunity. The radio personality watched curiously as the women one by one left with a handful of twigs in their hands before finally getting up the nerve to ask one of them what they were doing.
The stick-collector answered that she had an artificial tree and she was getting these (previously) live branches to stick in her tree to make it smell like a real tree.
Pretty cool trick! Of course, be careful, as they will dry out and become a fire hazard, so make sure they are propped on lights or you don't let your tree get too hot with these dying limbs in them. However, it should give the trick of making your tree smell like the real thing. =)
As I said, I haven't tried it, but if you do (or have), please comment and let us know how it works.
Hope you all have a joyous time during this holy season!
Go check out Rocks in My Dryer to see what Works for Other People as well!