Thursday, January 20, 2011

Check Your Credit Report - Equifax

Back in September I reminded you that you are entitled to a free annual credit report check from each of the major credit reporting agencies from (the only one that is actually free).

I've decided that I'm going to keep a check on my credit report all year round by running one report every 4 months, allowing me to keep an eye on it but never paying for the service.

In September I ran my Experian report and everything looked great. In fact, I found two open accounts that were just sitting there waiting for someone to abuse them, so I closed them. Nothing major. All else looked good.

So it is time for another. This time I chose Equifax.

So how did it go?

Well I found one open account that needed to be closed. It was an installment account opened in 2005 and paid off in 2006. It didn't show it as "closed" so I called Citibank. They did not have record of any open accounts with them either, so I "disputed" it with Equifax so it will soon show up as a closed account as well.

The only other strange this is that my Chase card did not show up on the report. It's a good thing since that would really increase my debt to credit ratio, but I find it peculiar. My only guess is that it did not show up because it is under a different name (my first name is not "Kaye" and I used my first name as such before I was married--when I got this card--but they wouldn't change the name on the card to "Kaye" after I stopped using the other name). Who knows. It did show up on my Experian last time though, so I'm not too worried about it.

All in all, everything looked good. In 4 months I'll do it again with TransUnion and let you know how it went.

Go run your Equifax report now and tell me how everything looked to you!

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