This God-send first showed up at our house as a Christmas gift from my mom-in-law to her granddog. Seriously, this is the best product on the market for cleaning up organic sta
ins (of any source) and even many unidentified-but-most-likely-not-organic ones.

It is pet and child friendly, so no fears there. It removes stains and odors very easily. You do have to work a little harder for set-in stains, but it still always gets them up for me! A great bonus--it works on any type of fabric item (upholstery, clothes, rugs, carpet, etc)--just check for colorfastness first it warns (I've never had a problem).
A 32-oz bottle lasted us almost 3 years. Now we have 2 bottles because shipping was the same for 2 as for 1 and that should easily get us to around 2013 of clean-ups!
Love, love, love this stuff. I bought ours from Care-a-Lot Pets, but you can find it elsewhere by visiting the product site.
Today's post was brought to you in conjunction with Works for Me Wednesday over at Rocks in My Dryer.
This is fabulous stuff! One of our cats used to spray--in the house! Cat urine is one of the worst odors in the world, and Nature's Miracle cleaned it up every time.
ReplyDeleteI even bought some for my sister for her kids' stains.