The American Revolution
From 1775 to 1782, the Americans faced off against the largest empire in the world. Led by General Washington they won.
Duration: 80 months Deaths: 4435 military (approximately 25,000 total)
The War of 1812
Some call it the Second War of Independence, for when it ended and the US had fought Great Britain to a stalemate, America's independence was assured.
Duration: 30 months Deaths: 2260 military (approximately 20,000 total)
Mexican-American War
A dispute over Texas joining the Union resulted in US conquest of California and the balance of the Southwest.
Duration: 20 months Deaths: 13,283
The Civil War
It was America's bloodiest war as brother fought brother.
Duration: 48 months Deaths: 191,963 military (approximately 625,000 total)
World War I
Millions died in the fields of Europe, sometimes while fighting over a few disputed yards.
Duration: 19 months Deaths: 116,516
World War II
It was a war like no other, and covered all corners of the globe.
Duration: 44 months Deaths: 405,399
The Korean War
Some call it the forgotten war, but for two years America fought a full fledged war to keep South Korea free.
Duration: 37 months Deaths: 62,321 (54,245 recovered/8075 no remains)
Vietnam War
It was previously the longest war that the United States fought and the only one that the United States lost.
Duration: 90 months Deaths: 59,961 (58,220 recovered/1741 no remains)
Desert Storm
The last war America took part in the 20th century took place when Kuwait was invaded by Iraq.
Duration: 1 month Deaths: 383
Global War on Terror (includes Operation Enduring Freedom & Iraqi Freedom)
Operation Enduring Freedom: War came to America on September 11th 2001 with an attack on NY and Washington. Not since the Battle of Antietam had so many Americans perished in a day.
Iraqi Freedom: On March 19th 2003 the United States invaded Iraq to overthrow the government of Saddam Hussein. To present, US troops continue to fight an insurgency there.
Duration: 104 months to date (Enduring)/86 months to date (Iraqi)
Deaths: 5015 (as of Feb 6, 2010)
Other "Minor" Conflicts (see full list here)
Deaths: 11,922

Sources:, wikipedia, crs report for congress
Photos: American Battle Monuments Commission
Thank you for a very moving post. It is humbling to remember all of the brave men and women who gave their lives so that I can live free today. May their memories be blessed forever.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this Kaye. It brought tears to my eyes, and gratitude to my heart. It's overwhelming to try to imagine all the loss that so many have endured. I'm so very thankful for all our soldiers past and present who give/gave so much to keep our Country free.