Since we started with the big ticket items, we will continue now will the moderately priced fare. Although none of these are big expenses, they certainly can add up to be if you aren’t careful.
Ghost Tours:
As America’s Most Haunted City (according to the American Institute of Parapsychology), there is no shortage of ghost tours to be had at night. There are walking tours, trolley tours, a tour that you take while riding in a hearse (I’m not kidding) and pub crawls that are only for those over 21. These are the cheaper of the tours (although mostly likely, not drastically less in quality):
*Ghost Talk Ghost Walk: Priding themselves as the original ghost tour, this one is highly recommended by travel sites. Adults-$10; Children (12 & under)-$5
*Candlelight Walking Tour: Adults-$10; Seniors (55+) -$8; Children (6-12)-$5; Under 6-Free; prices with coupon at website
*Pub Crawl: Adults-$10; Seniors (55+)-$8; under 21-$500.00 and a visit from Children’s Services (I swear that is what their website says); prices with coupon at website
*Hauntings Tour: Adults-$13.00; Seniors & Student-$11.00; children under 5-Free
Other Tours:
*Oglethorpe Tours: A trolley tour for half the price of the others. I finally tried this one out and this will be the one I recommend from now on. More history and less fluff/romanticism, no stops, so entire 90 minutes is actual tour and not stopping. On/off all day included in price of ticket--and they personally come get you with a trolley with enough room for pickups, so no waiting on a trolley with available space (super important when it is raining). Tickets-$10.00
* Juliette Gordon Low's Birthplace: Tour the birthplace and childhood home of the founder of the Girl Scouts. Adult-$8; Child-$7; Child (5 & under)-Free; I would think there would also be a discount for Girl Scouts, but I can’t find that info anywhere.
* Andrew Low House: House of the founder of the Girl Scouts after she married William Mackay "Willy" Low and an architectural treasure, as I have been told. Adult-$8; Child (6-12)-$4.50; Child (5 & under)-Free; Girl Scouts-$4.50; students-$4.50
*Mighty 8th Air Force Museum: We still really want to check this out, as I see it daily on my way to and from work! Adult-$10.00; Seniors-$9.00; Child (6-12)-$6.00; Child (5 & under)-Free
*Davenport House Museum: Adult-$8.00; Child (6-18)-$5.00; Child (5 & under)-Free
*Ships of the Sea Museum: Adult-$7.00; Child (8-12)-$5.00; Child (7 & under)-Free
* Telfair Museum/Jepson Center/ Owens-Thomas house: For each attraction: Adult-$10.00; Child (5-12)-$4.00; Child (4 & under)-Free; College Students-$5.00; Seniors-$8.00; AAA-$8.00; Combo Ticket--$10 individual or $30 family
Yes, everyone wants to know where to eat. Frankly, it is hard to pick just one, as there are so many wonderful places to choose from—many of which I have yet to sample. I will give you the lowdown on places that are known for being wonderful as well of personal recommendations I have been given. I will comment on the fare that I have personally have been.
*The Lady & Sons: Gasp! Here it is…the holy grail of those coming to Savannah and have ever seen the Food Network. Paula Deen’s very own. I have not eaten there (did I hear an even bigger gasp at that comment?). Please visit the site and get the rules for how to get in, as you don’t just walk up and go in to eat—unless it is February and 30 degrees outside (yeah…it doesn’t get much colder than that here). I have been to the adjoining store and bought a cookbook from my mom. I did see Jamie (one of the sons) in there. Yes…they are there from time to time, but they are NOT in the kitchen cooking.
*Mrs. Wilkes’ Dining Room: From what I’ve heard, every bit as good as The Lady & Sons and not nearly as hard to get into, although there is a line. Round table eating with strangers at its finest. The menu is different daily. They DO NOT take credit cards.
*Garibaldi’s: I have never been there, but a good friend loves it.
*Toucan Café: Highly recommend by a friend who eats out a lot. Caribbean food and atmosphere.
*Uncle Bubba’s Oyster House: Brother of Paula Deen. My aunt loved it in case you have the same tastes as my aunt.
*Huey’s: A taste of New Orleans on the east coast.
*Il Pasticcio: It receives rave reviews and was called one of the country’s top ten Italian restaurants by USA Today.
*Johnny Harris: I’ve seen it, I’ve heard it is good, but we’ve just never gotten around to eating there!
*Tubby’s Tank House: On River Street and super yummy seafood. They have a balcony overlooking the street and live music most all of the time. We ate there for lunch while it was shady and not swelteringly hot to the tunes of a middle age acoustic guy. It was very relaxing, the prices are decent, the portions are huge and the food is wonderful and fresh. Their menu states that What you eat today was caught yesterday. (not a direct quote).
*Boar’s Head: A big hang out that supposedly has a lot of good food.
*Churchill’s: Doesn’t every pub have good food?
*Cobblestone Conch House: Really…there are just too many good eats on River Street!
*Kevin Barry’s Pub: Not so much a family environment, but supposed to be really good.
*Wild Wing Café: One of my hubby’s favorites. When we used to visit Charleston (where he’s from), he always insisted we eat at Wild Wings because we had the chance. Now we have one locally and he loves it! You can choose from any temperature of wings as well as other standard fare. Chip’s favorites are Habenero Hots and Chernobyl (if that’s any indication as to the heat). Live music is always fun and right in the middle of City Market.
*Firefly Café: I’ve heard good things…
*Moon River Brewing Company: I’ve heard good things about the food, but a friend of mine was not impressed. If nothing else, visit because it is haunted and was featured on Sci-Fi’s Ghost Hunters for a Halloween Special (they caught some interesting video footage there). They are, in fact, a brewery, so the suds are fresh. *Bonus: UPromise earnings of 4%
*Soho South Café: It’s supposed to be good. I cannot comment personally.
*Vic’s on the River: We went there after being told it was good for the family. We second-guessed that when we went in with friends (total of three kids) and saw a live piano bar, beautiful hardwood floors, linen tablecloths, and tuxed waiters. However, we were pleasantly surprised when they were incredibly great with the kids, had a very reasonably priced menu, and great food. Now Chip did go back later to order what he had the first time and was not impressed the second, but I was impressed enough on the first trip, I would definitely recommend with the thought that his second visit was only a fluke.
*Lulu’s Chocolate Bar: I have not been, but it’s my own fault. I have heard that this place is heavenly as an after-dinner stop. I have GOT to go sometime.
Other Activities to Do:
*Savannah Sandgnats Baseball: A single-A division of the NY Mets, this is some cheap family fun. All of the fun of minor league baseball in a historic stadium that is slowly being renovated. Strange mascot, you say? I thought so too until I encountered sand gnats while at the beach. They aren’t those swarming little black ones that hop around in the sand at the beaches I used to know. They are swarming and BITING creatures that I believe now to be the spawn of satan. Great mascot. Tickets are $10 for box seats, $8 for reserved, $7 general admission, $5 for ages 4-12, 3 and under are free, $5 seniors and $5 military discount.
*Golf—There is a lot here. Check various courses and fees.
*Skidaway Camping—Campground surrounded by trails and nature. Prices vary depending on type of accommodations reserved.
*Candy—On River Street there are two candy companies. They are both delicious. They will both lure you in with the offer of samples of pralines and treats. Although it would be easy to get carried away in there (both financially and calorically), the prices per item are great and the treats are delicious and super fresh. Fudge is to die for!
I hope you enjoyed and can take a few of these and put them into your schedule of things to do while you are next visiting Savannah.
Come back tomorrow to fill you itinerary up with inexpensive fun for you and the whole family. I’ll sum it all up on Tuesday (the 24th).
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